No other RV is faster. With a top speed of around 220 mph, the RV-8 gets you there quickly while delivering excellent performance on the lower end of the scale plus quick, responsive handling.
Nothing beats sitting right in the middle of the airplane. Wear it like a glove - it becomes a natural, intuitive extension of your body.
Want to do some loops and rolls? The RV-8 is a fully aerobatic-capable airplane, stable and responsive. You'll even see RV-8's competing in sportsman and intermediate categories.
With the little wheel mounted on the back, the conventional-gear RV-8 provides the popular combination of great looks and high performance. With a slightly lower drag profile, it may be just a hair faster than its tricycle-gear brother.
Configured to stand on tricycle-gear, the RV-8A retains the model's famous great looks and performance, adding improved visibility on the ground. Once in the air, you'll forget where the wheels are, as both models handle and perform just about identically.